;_; (30)

10 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

I took two uncooked hotdogs then chopped them up into tiny pieces. They were chopped by a spoon in a bowl containing one shot of Everclear. Everclear is the alcoholic beverage with the highest concentration of alcohol (ethanol) that you can buy. I then ate some of the hotdog pieces. I guess they tasted gross because sometimes my gag reflex kicked in like I wanted to vomit. DO NOT eat hotdogs this way! I read online that raw hot dogs may contain harmful bacteria; I thought the alcohol would purify them, but it ended up making them quite difficult to eat. Eating them with slices of bread helped. So far I ate about one hotdog with two slices of bread.