;_; (30)

13 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

Sun Mar 06 16:22 2022 UTC

I washed the ethanol away by adding water to the bowl a few times then drinking it. This made the hotdogs taste a bit better. I guess raw hotdogs just do not taste good plain, so I added ketchup to them. The ketchup definitely made them easier to eat. Ethanol has a pungent taste, and raw hotdogs taste a bit bad I guess; it was a bad combination. Apparently about 260 people die per year of listeria, a bacteria which you can come into contact with by eating many raw hotdogs. If you want to be lazy, at least microwave the hotdogs for a few minutes or boil them or something. If you want to use alcohol to purify the hot dogs (not recommend), wash away / drink the ethanol as previously described then add ketchup.