This is a test
This is a 2get
This is a shit (a grat one)
This is a net, that I just found.
Now check out this six
Rolling for 9
This is not a test
is this a test
This is not a test.
Can you say any thing w/ 3 letter words? What can you say with only 3-letter words?
4:39? 5:32? 5:33?
>Can you say any thing w/ 3 letter words?
yes you can
you are gay
1 to 3 letters per word, would read again.
My thoughts may not be as poetic as yours: I thought of a way to prevent infiltration from undercover cops. Make all members of your group or gang consume or snort cocaine. You could also make a video of them doing it. The cop might bust you on possession of a small amount of drugs, but knowledge that he is a cop would be worth it.
An undercover cop could bust you for saying or doing something incriminating which is much worse that possessing and/or distributing drugs only to members of your group. In fact, you could just ask people joining your group to bring cocaine so they can become a member. Before they consume the drug in front of you you could do some chemical tests to confirm that it truly is the drug.
I have heard that coke is not that addictive, but it is illegal and somewhat dangerous (as in there is a small chance you could die). Consuming each substance responsibility, and never mixing them, which would be more likely to kill you somewhat immediately: alcohol or cocaine?
Alternatively, you could make members of your gang consume cocaine and you record them before you do or say something incriminating.
"A typical cocaine high only lasts for about 15 to 30 minutes, depending on how you ingest it. The effects usually come on hard and fast, which is part of why cocaine tends to have high addiction..."
--DuckDuckGo search
I was thinking of this because I finished watching season 2 of this crappy TV show called "Manifest" on Netflix today.
you will never be a real test