In this thread we ‎cheer 6ch admin to show boi pussy! (43)

5 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

They can use:
jp2a is a small utility that converts JPG images to ASCII. It's written in C and released under the GPL.
or post the information bits, for use to interpret it to image format.

You see, everything around us is not real, it is only how we interprite thouth our eyes. In reality, the world is very different from what you see with your eyes, as they can not catch all and give it for your to recognice, as for example not the full length of the electro magnetic wave length are interprited by the eyes. I am just asking the admin of 6ch to post a string of information, for me to interpritate. As for example he could take a image of his boi pussy, then post the bit information here, and then I can transform that information to a string of braille, where a bump represent a 1 and none-bump represent a 0. Thus then I can use my fingers, and interpritate it thouth that Input/Output mechanism of my body to allmost feel how it feels to thoutch 6ch admins boi pussy, if you get what I mean. grrrrrr ^_^

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