Come back bee (14)

1 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

Where did the bee go.

It was here, then i went for a walk, and now the bee is gone.

He has been gone for about a month and i would like to ask if anyone has seen him or knows here he has gone.

2 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

I have seen him... He's been keeping off the front page lately, but if you look through some older threads you might find him.

4 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

Come on now, give me some sugar
Give me some sugar, little honey bee
Don't be afraid, not gonna hurt you
I wouldn't hurt my little honey bee

5 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

Don't say a word, 'bout what we're doin'
Don't say nothin' little honey bee
Don't tell your momma, don't tell your sister
Don't tell your boyfriend, little honey bee

6 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

How doth the little busy bee
Improve each shining hour,
And gather honey all the day
From every opening flower!

How skillfully she builds her cell!
How neat she spreads the wax!
And labours hard to store it well
With the sweet food she makes.

7 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]


8 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

How doth the little crocodile

    Improve his shining tail,

And pour the waters of the Nile

    On every golden scale!

How cheerfully he seems to grin,

    How neatly spreads his claws,

And welcomes little fishes in,

    With gently smiling jaws!

9 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]


10 Name: bees master [Del]

come back bee

11 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

What do bees do if they don't want to drive?
Wait at the buzz stop.

12 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

Bee is back :D

13 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

Where did the bee go?

14 Name: NYC NY long distance moving companies [Del]

It’s hard to occur by educated persons on this issue, however , you seem like you determine what you’re talking about! Many thanks

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