How do I make anime real? n/t (44)

32 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

no you dont understand
forget the machines part

what isn't a computer?
which carry out what to some creatures are calculation instructions
as they are calculated, they are not instructions or calculations

you can give calculation instructions to some humans, but are ordinary human lungs or tables "carrying out" calculation instructions? bear in mind the "carrying out" is a spatial metaphore, as they are calculated, they are not instructions or calculations

and how are your physics then? we are all calculating our physics in the universe?

as they are calculated, they are not instructions or calculations, which i bet you wont find in any of the fuckloads of doctoral theses made on the topic, made within the inertia of the business, taken seriously like how some awful clothes makers are taken seriously

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