Manifesto (5)

3 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

This one's for the poopers.

The shitters, the constipated, the IBS diagnosed, the shitposters, the diarrhea addicts, the anti-pissers, the restroom-scent-providers, the toilet cloggers, the poop journalists, the spammers, the doodiemen, the ambitious poopers, the poop professionals, the efficient poopers, the bathroom dwellers, the gastroenterologists, the rushing-to-the-bathroom poopers, the scat fetishists, the pooping men who hate pissers, the gassy and recently passed bowel movements. This is for the pissless, the urineless, the peeless, the brotherhood.

This is for everybody who's ever pooped. This is for the people who can't imagine pissing in three years. This is for the folks who always felt pressure in their stomachs. This is for those who leave nothing behind.

I'm not here to tell you you will poop more. I'm not here to tell you you have to piss. I'm here to tell you that you smell.

Even though we never pissed, we all pooped. For many of us pissing is hell. We pooped and we loved it. We were pooping and farting in a world of pooping, farting people, and we never pissed.

It's fucking amazing. I really wish I pooped more. I wish people didn't have urethrae or bladders, and everybody was pooping on everybody. I wish I pooped constantly and I wish all of you pooped constantly. I wish I found another person who produces similar poop to myself and made them happy.

But I didn't. I won't. I've pooped alone, like many of you have. And I'm sorry. I'm sorry because nobody deserves to poop the way I pooped, and I couldn't poop with anyone. I barely tried.

You don't have to be pissing, or pissed, or pissy. Pooping is enough. Everybody poops so everybody is important. Don't piss on that and don't sneer. This is brotherhood between poopers and the grace of God. This is the poopiest thing in the universe.

I accept all of you. I love all of you

Thank you for pooping. I'm glad you were here in the bathroom with me.

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