I aim to try and post at least once a day, but lately I've been slipping.
How about you?
As a denizen of the unholy citadel, I know not of "days," and have no way of organizing my posts temporally.
Whenever I wake up, whenever I fap, uhh
I post whenever I press the reply button!
Right now
This is my only post
Should I count this post in my calculations?
Dunno, just post
I would say roughly 7µHz.
what is the wavelength?
I measure time by the distance between postings. The question is wrong.
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Only now
I'm posting from an ancient Nintendo DS!♪♪
They didn't have one built-in, but there were several third-party browsers:
and, of course, numerous text-based browsers on dslinux.
I've never posted.
every minute
"I think it is very beautiful for the poor to accept their lot, to share it with the passion of Christ. I think the world is being much helped by the suffering of the poor people,"