You laugh at me because I'm standing in the rain smiling. (7)

1 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

Still don't believe me, Randy? Let's go a little further down the rabbit hole.

In the not-too distant past I "acquired" a Zaibatsu powerbook during a midnight MegaCorp raid with my crew. Nothing out of the ordinary; pretty standard for a Saturday. However, later that night while drippin' nootropics and raving at Club Lucifer thirty stories beneath the rat heap you and I know as Clover City, I booted that sucka' up and... imagine my surprise; it's got a 10kG metanet connection.

I'm sure this is all WAY over your head, but long story short, if I search "Randy Tucker" on that machine I'm gonna get 2.3 million results for YOUR interests, investments, accounts, obsessions, fears, fetishes, and fantasies. In one tab I'm mining the stock market for millions with my ZippyTrade KnowBot, in another tab I'm studying the minds of my enemies with big data analytics, and in another tab I'm watching YOU watch Brazillian fart porn in REAL TIME.

Pop Quiz: am I jerkin' it to the anal acoustics or your sweaty, bulging O-face?

Welcome to Wonder Land, kiddo.

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