AA (22)

13 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

I occasionally make my own AA! You should try it too!

Most S_JIS art editors have a feature where you can load an image into the editor to type over it. This allows for "tracing". There are some programs that trace images into AA automatically, but they don't produce good results unless you carefully make the image into an outline the program can work with. The text art usually still requires extensive editing to look good afterwards. Either way, it's very labor intensive work unless you get lucky with a tracing program. All of the simpler AA with the cat characters is made entirely by hand, though templates exist. The wide variety of existing AA to use as reference saves a lot of time. I recommend using (´д`)Edit, it's great once you get used to it.
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