Website Secrets (11)

8 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

It's a combination of things, and it's not always just internet. Between checking all my favorite textboards, watching anime, looking for new music, and playing video games, when I'm happy with the amount of content I've consumed, I move onto the next thing on the list for a little while.

I mostly play video games, but when I'm at the office, I'm on text/image boards way more often. But even still, the speed of 4chan can't be matched, and the amount of shitposting there is unreal (which I love). Between you and me, I love soyjaks because of how pissed people get at a simple image/effortless quote and some soyposters have a genuine sense of humor when they pick out the perfect one to use with their post. Plus they even have discussions about my preferred topic sometimes which is always a plus. So there is always somewhere new to be checking in between all my office work.

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