UNIX-like Thread (GNU, *BSD, ETC) (78)

18 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

>>17 it's the weblinks that trigger the filter. I'll quote you for convenience.

Effective at what?

Performance? See AHHHHHHHHHH. Sure, there's some effect, but nothing you'll notice without specifically benchmarking for it. There used to be a great site documenting the harm of certain ricing techniques at AHHHHHHHHHH, but it's dead now. If you're running something with such high performance requirements that switching --march actually matters, you'll know.

Not cluttering up your system with bullshit? Pretty damn good. Certain things like consolekit are useless to me and actively cause problems (e.g. cluttering [h]top output), and every other major-ish distro I tried shipped with no way to remove those things. That's why I use USE flags.

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