UNIX-like Thread (GNU, *BSD, ETC) (78)

37 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

Phoronix? No, just reading bug reports should be enough, between that and the fact that systemd shouldn't need to have utilities like udev and logind depend on it which makes it bad practice it should be reasonably obvious that it was never designed to have scope or accountability. It could be a very good system at some point, but that would require people working on it who don't want it to be systemd for systemd's sake, it would require developing it within a scope and having it be modular instead of this giant mess that has arbitrary requirements and a lot of lazy code.
A lot of systemd hate may come from people who don't understand it, but it does deserve a lot of the hate it gets.

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