I don't want it to die. I want it to live forever.
It's not dead.
just asleep.
Whooooooo waaaaaaaants to liiiiiive FOREEEVEEEEEEEER~
キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!!
Will never die.
キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!!
Is eternal.
I won't let this thread die
We'll all inevitably die someday.
I will live forever, or die trying.
Cirno can't die, she's the strongest.
>>10 All gods were immortal.
But the first step towards immortality is death.
Don't think I've forgot about this thread, it's July 12 2015.
> implying threads die