Lets see the amount of people in this area.
For those who have not manage to be here, please raise your hand.
>For those who have not manage to be here, please raise your hand.
That makes no sense you idiot.
I raise my head.
Stand up to be counted.
I am not here right now, please leave a message after the beep.
are you being mean to me
I'm afraid to respond, because I do not want to create confounds in attempt to count the users of this board
okay i lost myself let's start again
_ _ _
(this is my attempt at making a hand, since >>1-san said to raise our hands, but that would be useless, since others would not see it. please forgive my poor ascii skills)
are you being mean to me
/ /
( ・∀・)/ < PRESENT!
That's the best I can do (.__.)
Why is your dick all lumpy?
>I don't want to be a criminal!
That was sarcasm, right
One day, I'll wake up and it will all be better.