Post 'em.
Is ASMR a form of synesthesia?
What even is a capacitor, anyway?
Are Casiopea's albums other than Mint Jams worth listening to?
What are the best resources for learning calculus?
Who is general failure, and why is he reading my mail?
Are mailing list communities still a thing?
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
How many frogs can fit in my mouth?
Are you going to check my doubles?
under the moon loli to issho
Dunno dude, lets see if the fish will eat it.
A device which capacitates
Don't let some idiot on the internet decide that for you. You're a strong independent キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!!, listen to them yourself!
General Failure is love, General Failure is life.
I think so, but I can't think of an example off the top of my head.
Here's a better question: did you know that frogs urinate to protect themselves from being eaten? How much frog piss can fit in your stomach?
By accident.
What time is what?
What is the sound of one hand clapping?
Anyone else?
>>17 No thanks, maybe later.
What colour is the dress?
Check. My. DUBS!
Check. My. DUBS!
Check. My. DUBS!
wow, what a miserable failure.
Check. My. DUBS!
Blue and black. Anything else means you have a defect on your brain, probably cancer.
Does "sepia" have anything to do with the number 7?
Both start with S.
Is PHP really worth bothering with in this day and age?
I am General Failure.
Is there a decent way to replicate the taste of meat without having to use meat, for cost reasons?
Don't tell me you have yet to experience the wonders of mycoprotein!
Does fruit juice really have that big of an impact on the taste of jizz?
Why don't you just try it and find out?
Who keeps deleting their posts?
Why won't the IA stop respecting robots.txt
I regularly delete my posts due to spelling mistakes that I make on account of the whole "being a dumbass" thing I have going at the moment.
Why would one ask a question that one does not want the answer to?
Why would one answer a question that the asker did not want the answer to?
What could be the stranger than the silence one first encounters when reading a question in writing?
what could be more beautiful than the night sky?
I really like looking via a publish that could make folks Consider. Also, thanks for allowing for me to comment!