Here's a nigger there's a nigger
Here's a faggot there's a faggot
Here's a nigger there's a nigger
Avery Morrow is a cuck
Indicators blinking
Liquid crystal display
Party van a-coming
Must I go or must I stay?
Catnarok is nearing,
oh what must I do?
Virus to society
Take that you filthy Jew
Here's a nigger there's a nigger
Here's a faggot there's a faggot
Here's a nigger there's a nigger
Shii is a cuck
Here I am a-sitting
Just resting in my cell
And behold a niggerfaggot
Who I can tell is approaching by his smell
He grabs me by the collar
And pulls down my pants
But by will of G-d and tanasinn
He found my razor blade implants
Here's a nigger there's a nigger
Here's a faggot there's a faggot
Here's a nigger there's a nigger
Shii is a cuck
So here I am a lying
Down in my padded cell
Smiling ear to ear I am
So little can they tell
For they did not go deep enough
Not nearly deep or far
For down inside my rectum
Is explosives; allahu akbar!
Here's a nigger there's a nigger
Here's a faggot there's a faggot
Here's a nigger there's a nigger
Avery Morrow is a cuck