Unintelligible gibberish created using Google Translate (66)

14 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

On 5 December 2014, at the international airport John F. Kennedy in New York, a nuts / luggage case also called a nightgate or walnut exchanger was reported by the President of North Korea Air who was dissatisfied with the crew's way The airplane loaded on the plane will return to the airport gate before takeoff.

Premium passengers including Cho were put in the original package (following airline procedures). Butterflies are scheduled to be offered on first grade plates. Butterfly dubious boss crew in standard procedures for providing nuts. After a fierce confrontation, Jo Cho ordered to leave the plane and after approximately 20 minutes it was necessary to return the door and delay the aircraft. In the case of Mr. Zhao and Korean Air very severely when the master was announced, and cause a number of significant positions Korean Air. He was sentenced after the Korean Aviation Security Barrier Test and 12 months in prison. I'm going to return to the main crew and flight attendant prior to April 2016.

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