How to defend (and why you should care about) privacy (13)

1 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

I know I am promoting my own network, but at the same time, I want everyone to be more attentive to why privacy and free speech are important to defend. Therefore, I am crossposting this to a bunch of possibly like-minded websites.

CloakNode aims to be a network of and for privacy-concerned people and groups. It supports informational freedom and the right to anonymity, and it supports others who value it. It is a host to experiments, projects, and operations; it is a general communication tool; it believes "knowledge is power". Anything short of illegal activity is welcome.

Here is a thing I wrote about privacy in general:

Please consider what I have to offer, but more importantly, stay safe and alert.

queenbee [at] mailtor [dot] net

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