6 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

You are breaking the conditioning!! However, I still wonder to myself... who really runs the GCN network? We've seen the associates of the Joneses. Is keeping the fear flow of gold and silver orders into Midas Resources generated by the Alex Jones show; more important than the values GCN claims to work to protect? Apparently so. Are there questionable connections to zionist corporate media? Does the censoring of independant journalists and individual guests, like Ted Pike, or Jack Blood, seem to be a problem with Jones, et. all? Looks like it to me, how about you? Regardless of personalities, on a "free speech network"; do the listeners deserve to be cut off from information and content they want to receive, and have been supporting - due to the greed and the desire for celebrity? No. I'm done.

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