And while we're at it, what is "cuteness"?
"Cuteness" is Japanese for "moe".
acute: precise; not obtuse.
a cute thing is more interesting that its appearance would suggest.
cuteness is the beauty of not being beautiful. cuteness it the opposite of glamour.
Cuteness is justice, justice cuteness – that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.
Cuteness is weakness.
We want to defend the weak because they will either grow to continue our legacy or produce offspring that will do so.
I say cuteness is worthless. I want a strong waifu who can kick ass.
>>6 and look cute while doing so.
Unfortunately for you >>9-kun, my waifu is also Chizuru Aizawa! Aha
turansurato's notu: cute means kawaii
kyuu~ t!
>>14 Dig right in and do the clam!