Philosophical one-liners [Deep Thought] (74)

56 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

Yes. I already did. If you don't like my tongue-in-cheek example, try the classics: why do we drive on a parkway but park on a driveway?

If you don't like those, try Ableson's classic lectures, in which he says something along the lines of ``Computer Science is not science, and it is not about computers''.

If you don't like that, try ``Astrology'', which literally means ``the words/reason of the stars'', and is really just guesswork/fraud. Similarly ``Alchemy'' is believed to come from (along the way) the Greek χημεία: ``transmutation of metals'', and you can check for yourself how many alchemical writings will actually give correct instructions for transmuting metals.

Hell, just look at a companion to ``Philosophy'' itself. ``Sophistry'' comes directly from the Greek σοφίζω: ``I am wise/I know'', but that which is called sophistry today is an argument intended at deception. To say ``Philosophy is composed of truth because the word means ``love of wisdom'''' is about as good an argument as saying ``The arguments of a sophist are correct, because that word means ``one who is wise''''.
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