dis.4ct.org untrustworthy (12)

1 Name: compromised [Del]

dis.4ct.org admin/mod rewrites, edits, and posts for political purposes
dis.4ct.org admin/mod rewrites, edits, and posts for political purposes
dis.4ct.org admin/mod rewrites, edits, and posts for political purposes
dis.4ct.org admin/mod rewrites, edits, and posts for political purposes
dis.4ct.org admin/mod rewrites, edits, and posts for political purposes
dis.4ct.org admin/mod rewrites, edits, and posts for political purposes
dis.4ct.org admin/mod rewrites, edits, and posts for political purposes
dis.4ct.org admin/mod rewrites, edits, and posts for political purposes
dis.4ct.org admin/mod rewrites, edits, and posts for political purposes
dis.4ct.org admin/mod rewrites, edits, and posts for political purposes
dis.4ct.org admin/mod rewrites, edits, and posts for political purposes
dis.4ct.org admin/mod rewrites, edits, and posts for political purposes
dis.4ct.org admin/mod rewrites, edits, and posts for political purposes
dis.4ct.org admin/mod rewrites, edits, and posts for political purposes
dis.4ct.org admin/mod rewrites, edits, and posts for political purposes
dis.4ct.org admin/mod rewrites, edits, and posts for political purposes
dis.4ct.org admin/mod rewrites, edits, and posts for political purposes
dis.4ct.org admin/mod rewrites, edits, and posts for political purposes
dis.4ct.org admin/mod rewrites, edits, and posts for political purposes
dis.4ct.org admin/mod rewrites, edits, and posts for political purposes
dis.4ct.org admin/mod rewrites, edits, and posts for political purposes
dis.4ct.org admin/mod rewrites, edits, and posts for political purposes

2 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

who cares? it's just some shitty 4-chan knockoff that no one has heard of.

5 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

You website is trash! 99% of the posts are by you, and there's a reason why world4ch died.

8 Name: Board Master [Del]

are samefag :D

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