whites (14)

1 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]


3 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

i mixed them with the colored once and they all turned pink

4 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

eg wites

5 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

I like snow

6 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]


with bleach, right?

7 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

whaddup my crackas

8 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

sup wigga

9 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

how do you get the whites from the egg

10 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

remove the yellow part

11 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

no i want only the white

12 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

crack the egg lightly, but make the opening in the shell that you pour from small enough that the yolk cannot escape

13 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

there's also that shitty plastic bottle hack to collect the yolk from the cracked egg

14 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

i tried that but i think it would be better to make an egg that only has white

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