is there a large number of people who frequent this site? and can i expect the same level of instant gratification as 4chan?
that depends, is your head where your heart is?
THis web sight is EXTERLMY popular baby you bedder beleive it
I rarely find 4chan gratifying, instantly or otherwise.
This page right here, however, gratifies me each instant I see it.
i love sageru
Perhaps not the same level of instant gratification as you specified, >>1-san.
Perhaps because there are not 12,000 10-12 year old little bastard American children posting here.
Could bee
Well, I like it.
No, all the posts are just your deluded mind, the whole place is really empty.
Easy for you to say when you dont have to hold down your boner everytime you check this site in public on your phone
I always get frightened when the bee goes away, it makes me think maybe it's one for good this time.
The bee scares the mods at well. they're terrorized by the notion that the bee can come back anytime. what can you do, what can you do?
This website has an estimated annual revenue higher than most developing nations.
This website has an estimated anual revenue.
Unfortunately, it's actual annual revenue is probably far less.
Each time you visit the site a fraction of a cent is stolen from your bank account. It's basically like that movie Office Space.
The government pays someone to make it exist
It's sustained by an intricate bitcoin trading system that automatically plays the market and funnels the coins through onionland and is the reason that TOR is slow.
It runs on free energy that it feeds into the system for fun and profit.