This is the most innovative Web site. (159)

89 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

>>88 That is a lot of spam. 3679 messages over night.

I wonder how they found me.

I am pleased that the server had no problem handling that traffic. I am annoyed that the posts make the actual threads less accessible.

It would be easy to refuse any posts that try to use any tags. (They are filtered anyway to prevent XSS.)
I doubt that would solve the problem, though, and would annoy legitimate users of the less-than symbol.
And refusing anything that looks like an URL would be counter to the concept of a website.

Maybe I should change the database format to include the IPs and make it impossible to answer to a single post more than once. Or your own posts. Make the board not-anonymous (nonymous?). I don't very much like the idea.

I have half a mind to rebuild the entire database to get rid of the spam, but I would prefer to avoid censorship and instead rebuild the views to make the spam easier to ignore.

I have an unstested heuristic for finding topic starters, and an idea how to make threads more legible.

And I definitely should remove the New Topic field in chanview. It is a misnomer and mostly there to resemble kareha.

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