This is pretty cool. And it allows Tor!
Unlike that "AnonOps" IRC network, which isn't really anonymous and requires you to connect without Tor so they can hand over your real IP address to the cops if they get arrested...
#jp is the top channel these days, by the way
#jp > #*
No one is in lounge...
Hahahah this is awesome.
Wish there was more people in the lounge.
This thread isn't very VIP.
Let's make it better. I'm going to make an ASCII drawing of my lunch and you guys have to guess what I had:
/ \
No, but it looked like one.
Off-board person here, sorry for intruding...but since about 5:38 AM GMT on May 9th 2012, I've been unable to connect, getting only timeouts., the URL I've been using, responds to ping, but it doesn't appear to be hosting IRC or HTTP, timing out for both while they did work before. leads to this place, resolves to the same IP as rainbowroad and responds the same way.
Does anybody else have these problems?
I've been having the same problem. I don't know what I'm accomplishing by posting this, though.
It was a egg and bacon on a bun, if anyone was wondering.
I would like to put a motion on the floor to end airg as it is a festering boil on the butt cheeks of humanity
any 1 here?
any 1 here?
I tried the web chat url at work, but it just redirects to Ask Search (yeah, I know... work computer, not mine) which shows results to this page.
Then don't use the webchat, use a proper client.
The webchat was taken down because the webchat client would mess up the user count. In other words, over time, the user count would not be accurate; it would say things like there are 112 people in the channel when there were really only about 12. Hopefully one day that bug can be fixed, but until then use a desktop irc client (like mIRC, XChat, irssi) or use a java applet irc client (like can be found on
There are 120 users now, what's going ooooooon? I thought the webchat was taken down?
I'm using Irssi with the coloured nick script and even though everyone is Anonymous I'm still seeing a different colour nick per unique user, or at least it looks that way. Either the colours are changing at random or it's not truly anonymous on my end. Just thought it should be known.
17:03 [server]
17:03 nick = [redacted]
17:03 [server]
17:03 alternate_nick = [redacted]
17:03 [server]
17:03 real_name = [redacted]
17:03 [server]
17:03 user_name = [redacted]
17:03 -!- Irssi: Looking up
17:03 -!- Irssi: Connecting to [] port 6667
17:03 -!- Irssi: Unable to connect server port 6667 [Connection
What is going on?
>* Connection failed. Error: Connection refused
rip ;-;
Are you getting this as well? Are the lines to Washington down?
It is down!
I am fucking robotripping and I need to get on #drugs right now but I can't, fuck this cruel earth. Doom metal is so fucking awesome, yet sad, right now!
It was because of this:
must be the network
!tweet still down #peniscry #jackingoff
Is it sah geg roo or sayje ru
>>41 It's Jpanese.
its pronounced 'say jerroo'
'jerroo' is like the name 'Jerry', but it ends with 'oo' instead of 'y'
trust me im japanese
sah je ro
I hate english so fucking much
I connect to it today... couldnt
The bot is down, did meltingwax sell the network to some other jews?
What part has mwltingwax their devous mitts in thsi??
Is it just me, or is the IRC not working? It says there are 0 users in #lounge
>>54 If you can reach the lounge, it seems to be working, just empty.
This is down for me. Maybe it's only temporary though.
How do I do this?
The main channel is #jp and the server does in fact work
By not being new.
I'm not new! I've been here since Christmas!!!!
kill yourself you retard gorilla nigger
>I am fucking robotripping
So you are telling me that you were/are in possession of an illegal drug and consumed some or all of it. Dextromethorphan is illegal, so off to the niggerwagon you go.
Just kidding, all types of cough/cold medicine DXM are legal in the U.S. and other countries, except Indonesia. See