I keep track mentally.
all posts on 6ch are timeless classics
All posts are written in stone and will stand the test of time >>4
for reference sageru.org doesn't make alexa top 100000, while tiny *chans like 67chan and not7chan do.
That's because this place doesn't have CP. It did, but it got deleted.
I agree. Right now I might just be replying to a 5 year old post. Lets just do this. Add the date yourself. Today is 6 Sep 2008
oct. 6 2008 - not too far off from the last one...
OOPS sorry, when i said it was 6 sept 2008, i got the MONTH wrong! It was actually 6 OCTOBER! Hello there! At least someone's alive in this forum..
Oh right. It's 7 Oct '08 right now.
Name: Ryan Rooney.
Number: 1-717-856-9665.
AIM: DracoDragon90.
Myspace: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=76602491
Ryan Rooney lol u have a cool name
Today's date: the 5524 of September, 1993.
Time is a physical property and here at 6ch we exist in metaphysics
Hello, today's date is: 26 June 2808
hmmmm...i don't think everyone is being entirely truthful.
DEC7 08
SEPT 5014 1993
boon time
Today is Sweetmorn, 6th day of Chaos in the 3175th Year of Our Lady of Discord.
June 6, 1996
porn forum? you sit around talking about porn instead of fapping to it? what kind of sick faggot are you?
I love this place, There's a lot of people that visit here though
I placed a link and I got like 60+ visits!
and 60 being a lot for this website i assume, also fuck you lurkers!
European date format that is.
middle-endian date is middle-endian.
sensible date format here.
( __ )
( ・∀・) < Why the fuck do I have shit on my head? (つ つ
| | |
( __ )
( ・∀・) < Why the fuck are my arms over there? (つ つ
| | |
Todays date is 9/11/01 and I've been invited to visit the twin towers today I cant wait!
I am sorry to inform evey one that the so called rICK has recently been killed in a national tragity I visited his history and he had this site. Im sorry...
The year is 2011
The gang controlled areas have become known as "free fire zones"
The police will not enter
Hello. I am posting this from the future using a new app that I just developed. The app allows me to travel through the Internet's cyberspace-time continuum. I am posting this from my date of January 5, 2058 and am attempting to post in a forum in the datespace of January 5, 2012. I have not decided if I will be able to make money with this or if I must keep it from falling into the hands of evil people. In the meantime, here is a gift from the future.
January 7, 2012 New York Lotto numbers: Bonus 34
Also, in the year 2032 scientists determined that the more you masturbate, the longer you will live.
Good luck fellow Euramericasians!
/ \ / \
12/12/12 beloved Master Kwan-Yin and many others came down, it is Christ Michael's year!!! People that didn't achieve the levels of self-awareness and global consciousness that were needed were put into stasis (zero motion) and relocated in the old earth. They couldn't experiment the transition but many of us did! it was beautiful, families went to the morontial temples and saw what death really was. Our physical bodies are now lighter, and we feel taller, and know you can see in everyone's chest an incandescent light that represents the love of Christ.
I even forgot how to redact thoughts in english and not because my mother languaje was spanish, but now we comunicate transmitting ideas, concepts, feelings, and images directly to each other's mind.
i believe true hearts here will understand , the comunion of every human being in this planet the union of art - spirit - science into cosmic and planetary knowledge.
Holy balls I feel like I am time traveling whilst reading this thread D:
>>54 You are. It's the mid of December 2012, and you claim it's October 8?
OH SHI-- We have transcended the physical world..
What if, like, the whole universe is just a single atom in a giant bouncy ball or some other trivial object
We're a single atom on a pile of alien dog shit.
>>58 Simulated dog shit in some shitty alien RPG.
>>53 Let's experiment the transition, and never again redact our thoughts in the English languaje.
And bury everyone else for eternity.
Feb 2013, reporting in~~~
August 2009-
This is going to be a great year. I bet things will get better!
>>64 South Africa had a black president before it was cool.
October 30, 2013
October 30, 2014
October 31, 2015
October 33, 2017
Octember 34, 2018
October 35, 2020
Dec 31, 1969
Sept 16, 1914
10 Nov 2013
December 12 2013
June 5 1988
November 23, 2013
Some date less than the previous date but greater than the current date
All dates begin and end with Nu
All glory to the benevolent Nu that live in the shadows and forests of mankind and served the nobles of Zeal.
There are no dates because they need a lot of sun and water.
Also, they grow slowly.
the null date
>>84 ねるぽ
We don't have any dates because we are wapanese losers who won't get any date anytime soon.
Don't remind me.
I prefer figs. Dates are too sweet.
I misread your post at first and thought you said you prefer fags.
I can understand not smoking those disgusting pieces of feces wrapped in paper, but have you ever tried hookah?
I am advised not to inhale smoke. I want to ignore that advise just once to know what it is like to partake from a hookah. How dangerous can it be?
>>97 You could get something if someone put the mouth part into their anus.
>>100 nice 100GET!
>>101 nice 101GET!
>>102 very clever 102GET!
>>103 much smart 103GET!
>>104 wow!
now this is just GETting silly.
>>115 Thanks, and let me tell you what a lovely 115GET you got there!
I want to go on a date. :(
Not 4chan.
Captain's Log, Stardate 43125.8. We have entered a spectacular binary star system in the Kavis Alpha sector on a most critical mission of astrophysical research. Our eminent guest, Dr. Paul Stubbs, will attempt to study the decay of neutronium expelled at relativistic speeds from a massive stellar explosion which will occur here in a matter of hours.
Captain's Blog, Stardate 413543.12. キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!
>>124 You don't have to leave, captain, surely you can stay a while.
Captain's Log, Stardate 1512.2. On our third day of star mapping, an unexplained cubical object blocked our vessel's path. On the bridge, Mr. Spock immediately ordered general alert. My location - sickbay. Quarterly physical check.
>>127 It would be unwise to appear too weak. We need to show the First Federation how exactly we can be defeated.
May 19th, 2014
May 18th, 2014
May 17th, 2014
May 19th, 2014
December 25, 1066
May 20th, 2014
This post was made on June 6 2014.
This post was made on June 7 2014.
This post was made on June 8 2014.
This post was made on June 7 2014.
This post was made on June 6 2014.
This post to be announced on a later date yet to be announced.
This post is now announced. Date announcement still pending.
This post was made on June 6 2016
This post is under construction.
This post is under attack.
This post ought to be under a tack.
Look →
It's floating away!
A tack! A TACK!
This post is pissed upon by a pissed-off postman who pisses on posts for pleasure
Can you imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie?
>>150 Easily.
Daily reminder that today is the last day of your life so far.
I wanna know how barrel this place is.
I wanna know how barrack this place is.
Aye, wanna know Howe Baron's places.
Welcome back.
September 17 2014
can i post in this thread pls
ok today the date is october 1st 2014
People are just starting to worship the great ebola chan
obama just announced an american offence on Estonia "for funsies"
The song Anaconda by Dr. Dre has just become popular and there is widesoread twerking inflicting all metropolitan areas
birds are still not that important
>>158 is a historical revisionist. Birds have always been important - very important.
Interesting times indeed.
The Red Dead is taking on the empire, and winning. This while the empire is contracting the rebels to stand against an assembly of Earth's mighties heroes, who are celebrating their victory against the Animaniacs. But mirror cat is looking elsewhere:
Captain N got exactly what he wanted from the Borg, and is dropping the penguin. But the genie has left the bottle, which may be why it is being assimilated at breakneck speed using the full arsenal of the Wu-Mao-Dang. Governments were a steal in the past, but the Borg cannot overcome the power of the luser. Even as the Matrix unethically stonewalls the journalism, they will inevitably have to face the truth: There is no cord.
The writing is on the wall: soylent green electric steam, hydroponic vegetable oil what with the horizon ever deeper under water.
Why to ask about dates when we all know it is September 1st of 1993.
what day is it?
there's a clock in the witchcraft thread that shows the current time of the lunar month and the current date in relation to the previous and next December solstices.
it is still under active development, so it may be nonfunctional at times.
timeless dubs
Fruits of the date tree.
Help I'm gay
shit, it's already 2016
shit, it's already 2011
shit, it's already 3030
It's 1989 and I'm loving this telnet BBS!
Comic LOL
Eventually these messages will be converted to the "world wide web"! Wow!
In the year three thousand and thirty, everyone wants to be an MC!
help, my limbs feel funny!
Please escort yourself to the nearest automated-masturbation device before seeking any further assistance, thank you.
It 200BC, we finally have a dinosaur president.
It's a bit odd to realize we only switched to using hexadecimal notation for dates 1E years ago - it feels much longer.
This post was made on March 20 2017.
2016*, sorry
On February 13th of Space Century 799, Imperial Century 490, two hours after the previous post arrived at the Unholy Citadel, this post was submitted.
21 March 2018
This post transcribed into storage by we, staff of A.C.N. archaeological division, sicut continuing unbroken culture chain. We thank to Dr. Emil and Dr. 05-野宮/A for wisdom with PERL and EXTended File System.
December 21st 2016.
You dumb asses. There are only 12 months. MORONS!
Exactly. Gregorian calendars are for MORONS who like PENIS
It's quite barren.
July 1 2019
Happy new year 2018!
Today is March 12, 2016. The tachyon flow is increasing. I fear that, if we are unable to stop it, we may be carried back to 1993.
2017 - 9 - 5
February 30th 2015.
June 9th, 2016. Just like that one Boards of Canada song.
1969, in the sunshine.
2001 : a space odyssey
lets posting!
2010: Odyssey Two
October 14 2015.
September 23, 2006
99 luft balloons
This post was made on July 15 2017.
February 20th 2019.
Two moons before harvest, in the thirtieth year After.
31st February, 2054
July 20 2017
February 11, 2004
Septermber 27 1821
9 October 2018
23 October 2018
01 Jan 1970
All Hallow's Eve of the year two thousand and eighteen
There's less than a week left until the 9000th of September 1993!
Check out the 900 on the 9000th thread on DQN, it's great.
2 Sept. 1939.
i've been in a coma for the past 7 years, boy i can't wait to go visit my aunt cohen in gdansk
I'd love to take any of you on a date, as long as you're paying.
November 29 2017
September 11 2001
July 27, 2018.
January 6th 2019.
October 5, 1582
October 14, 1066
February 4, 2019
Squeeks is allergic to dates.
And also figs.
Love isn't love if it changes. -Shakespeare
I would prefer to fruit.
June 27th 2017.
October 3 2017
October 4th 2017.
September 11th, 2001
Stardate 5693.2
3rd of May 2016.
June 6th 1989
I choose to believe that every single poster in this thread is telling the truth
going on a date with the girl reading this
April 4th 2017.
June 31st 2200
Truth is eternal. There is no time.
it is 1999 my dudes
Feb 8 2017
What is the current year?
2003, have any of you seen that new "4Chan" place? It's anonymous like here but it's full of meanies!
oh I thought it was 2003 BCE
in 2003 4chan was so randum xD
>winrar over 9000 internets oh lawdy
now it's all dark and edgy political bullshit
>kys cuck shill based and redpilled can't stump the trump
Jan 26th 2020
Old 4chan was also dark and edgy, just in an absurd random way. Autistic keyboard warrior bullshit is unrelated to the edgyness.
It is Saturday the 9th of January 2016.
I wish it was, I wish. 2016 was such a good year.
2019, 30th April. I can’t believe this thread is 11 years old, truly a next level
I came
It is the 4th of July 2019.
Correct, but please don't announce the real date.
No it isn't
NOW it is the 4th of July 2019.
It is the year 2130 on the starship enterprise do you read?
It's the current year
It is, of course, impossible to affix an instantaneous moment to the transition between "beardless" and "bearded". Is it when the razor is set down after the last shave? When it is not picked up for the next? When the decision is made, or perhaps when it is publicly stated?
In any case, almost all will agree that, on stardate 41997.7 (The Big Goodbye, chronologically the last episode of season 1), Riker had no beard, while on stardate 42073.1 (The Child, chronologically the next episode), he has one.
I therefore propose The Auspicious Number as the stardate at which Riker's beard came into existence. It works as well as any other.
August 6th, 2019
You all talk about the date, but what is the TIME?
Time is always changing. Talking about something that changes so rapidly would be foolish, >>294
If time is always changing then why is it always 4:20 somewhere?
At the moment that I press down to click "Reply", it will be 406 milliseconds into the current second.
The year is 20XX
eat my dust
eat your own ass
Hello, today is November 26th, 2001. Thank you for stopping by! And I am definitely not lying about today's date.