The shouting game (51)

1 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

Rules are simple. You must insult posts, but only the posts that haven't been posted.

I'll start:

>>2 is gay.

3 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

>>5 what you said isn't true.

4 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

>>4 got away without an insult.
>>6 is insecure about its sexuality.

5 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

I am not awesome.

>>7 will become the next US president

6 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]


Shut up, fag.

7 Name: Ian McKellen [Del]

How can I be president if I'm dead?

>>8 is a jerkface.

8 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

>>9 is small and annoying.

9 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

>>11 does not exist.

10 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

>>10 was interviewed for Otaku no Video

11 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

lol i will delete this

12 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

what fucking password?
Has a terrible taste in ties.

13 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]


14 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

Has terrible taste buds.

15 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

Has terrible taste in buds.

16 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

Is just plain terrible, bud.

17 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!ExIzeb/i [Del]

is an hero

18 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

Will probably be as bad as >>17

19 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

>>21 will be a self insulting fuckstick, like your mother

20 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

>>22 Can't even leap buildings in a single bound.

21 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

>>21 just sucks.

22 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

>>22 is a pathetic idiot.

23 Name: gtyul'; [Del]


24 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

>>23 is a retarded bum.

25 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

You know what? Fuck >>381. That wanker.

26 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

>>1000 Is a goddamn frocking ass-hat. Go die asshole.

27 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

>>1001 is an inexistent motherfucker.

28 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

>>29 can't insult me because he's a cocksucker.

29 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

>>666 is the devil himself. Fuckin' Hellie.

30 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

>>533 is an asshole and fuck >>30 because he's a stupid hikki NEET and he needs to kill himself.

31 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

>>993 is kinda GHEY bro

32 Post deleted by user.

33 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

>>32 is a fucktard.

34 Post deleted by user.

35 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

>>-1 is an idiot.

36 Post deleted by user.

37 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

38 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

>>37 is a fucking cunt. I hate you, go suck a thousand dicks.

39 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

>>38 uh oh you've turned it to reverse! retard!

40 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!kjmOSUVl [Del]

>>39 no u fucktard u

41 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

>> 42 can eat the peanuts out of my shit

42 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]


>>58 is a MASSIVE cunt, and I mean MASSIVE.

43 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

>>44 is too nervous to ask out his own hand.
>>45 is 44's hand

44 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

Why do all that and waste time when I can just skip to the good part, >>43?

>>46 is moot.

45 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

>>47 is a butt-sucker.

46 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

>>47 is currently sucking upon my succulent, big, meaty butt.

47 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

>>48 is mmrffmf a huge slurp slurp dick

48 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

>>49 is DQN

49 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

( ˃ ヮ˂) or am I?

50 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

You don't make any sense you shit-spouting asswipe!

51 Name: b [Del]


Chris is a fag

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