How do you cope with your impending demise and the complete meaninglessness of everything? (74)

49 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

I was always a fan of Edith (the one with the hat).

The one with the glasses was played by Miranda Cosgrove. I think she was there specifically for the sex appeal.

I didn't like the sequel to Despicable Me. The original was about this middle-aged entrepreneur who lived for his job, even though it didn't pay for a living. The sequel was childish with some pointless teenage drama thrown in. And worst, the minion babble didn't even make sense anymore.

The Minions movie seems to go back to the roots. I haven't seen it yet, but how horrible can it be?

Bananas are healthy, rich in nutritients, and regulate your digestion. Bananas are the best food.I highly recommend them. They are not a meme, and shouting "banana" is not funny. (Although it is a funny word. Is it b(an*)a or ba(na)* ? And João Brazil, Lovefoxx and Gwen Stefani seem to be bananas for this shit as well.)

Making fun of the similarity between bananas and minions in general (and Kevin in particular) is simply tasteless.

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