LunarWars, a new browser game, needs you for the great Elitist Lunar Superstructure.
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Sign up, create an account, and in "Edit colony profile" under "alliance" type ELS.
As a new player, you'll be able to get a head start on building your colony to greatness. With a great alliance comes great protection and AIDS. So the next time you decide to look at naughty pics, make sure to say "brb, going to the moon!"
Sorry, I have something ELS to do.
>>1 How is that image there? This kareha installation does not have images enabled.
I was playing this game, then suddenly this guy started telling me inappropriate things and tried to touch my no-no place. :(
You must be some sort of 5up3r l33t h4xx0r to do that. Just you wait, once I'm finished reading this here SICP, I'll be just as l33t as you.
There's no registration function in the website at the moment.
210-649-3289 call me i am sad
I made it back here!
I don't like moons unless I am together with lolis under them. This thread has an image that is strange.
On the moon, loli to issho
'cause like there's no air
nostalgiaing for Planetes.
I will join no elitist superstructure of any kind.
I will, however, howl at the moon.
Silence descends upon the smoldering moon as peace is declared among all nations...
I think that [no name] is actually vacbob.