Epic New Thread (12)

11 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

That is an excellent point. I was simply tracing the path of his OS switches, not his personal tastes.

However, I think there is still a case to be made for MS-DOS. For Windows 7, he explicitly states male gay pornography''. I think such a person would write female gay pornography'' or perhaps female lesbian pornography'' for lesbian porn. Adding that to the time period, I propose that female pornography'' refers (mostly) to softcore erotic modelling: pinups, centerfolds, painstakingly-crafted ANSI art, etc. That seems heterosexual enough to be classified as MS-DOS and presents a smooth upgrade path.

The only issue is that, by that reading, most of his other tastes in pornography would also be similarly softcore. For someone whose tastes vary and tend towards taboos over time, this seems highly unlikely. But the alternatives seem no better.

Perhaps this will never be resolved. >>1 may have continued on his trackless journey, leaving only questions in his wake.

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