[CYOA] Choose Your Own Unholy Adventure! [Collaborative] (11) (88)

27 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

Mercer is climbing the mountain, while a neverending avalanche of rocks made of foam fall down on him. But he never gives up, never ceases climbing.

You want to be like him. Not suffer the same sisyphony fate, but eternally optimistic, never giving up, like Team Rocket, futile though it may seem at times. Who cares if Mercer is not real; unbelievers who have no soul will never understand. How you pity their empty existances.

Upon waking up, you decide to aquire a pet.
Maybe you can still purchase one at the Unholy Temple? >>2
Bah, robots do it better. Also harder, faster, stronger. >>44
All in good time. First, get out of the tub, dry off, and fix yourself some nice hot beverage for immediate consumption. >>24

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