[CYOA] Choose Your Own Unholy Adventure! [Collaborative] (11) (88)

37 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

As has been mentioned to you before, you have died.
You have not survived your own death, and therefore cannot die again.
No matter what torment the world behind the curtain holds, there is nowhere else for you to go.
So don't worry. They may not be hope, but also nothing to fear.

You roam the land of the dead behind the temple.
The first thing you notice is it is less like an afterlife, and more like an aprés-vie.
There is a parade in the streets like the first of May in Pyongyang.

Alas, you can not participate in the festivities yet.
First you have to meet your travel agent.
Have you ever heard the phrase: Life is a journey? If so, you haven't arrived at your destination yet.

Your travel agent is a nice guy named Sharon or something, and rather fond of Disco. (Who would have thought?) Despite this, he has a tranquil aura about him. He also hates his job. For him, as for you, there is nowhere else to go but on.

He reminiscises about the good old times when he helped trick an old co-worker named Manny, who has long since moved on. Not that any of this necessarily makes sense to you. You try to steal a glance at your watch to see how long this one-sided conversation has been going on, but time does not exist in this place. You'll get used to it. You have all the time in the world for that. Maybe that is why Caron (or whatever his name is) appears so patient.

You get into a nice little street-side café.
You ask
for wine >>47
for the menu >>48
if this is heaven or hell >>49
where the banshees, valkyries, Persephone, &c, at >>50 IOW, the cute girls that are supposed to guide you to the afterlife.

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