[CYOA] Choose Your Own Unholy Adventure! [Collaborative] (11) (88)

65 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

"Yo Mister White!" you hear him say. The heist didn't go according to plan.

"She shot me! I can't believe she shot me! Oh no, I know a dirty word!" Her gun is safely in your possession now. It was very considerate of her to furnish you with a weapon. She used it only once, to defend her car. In her defense, her car is fine, exept for the blood and bits of her brain. Soon even that will be cleansed with fire.

"Yo Mister White! I'm dying here! Take me to a hospital!"

The heist didn't go according to plan. Now he is bleeding profusely all over the back seat like a pig. (Do you smell bacon?)

>>100 Take him to a hospital, and trust that he won't sing like a canary.
>>102 Stick to the plan: Take him to the safe-house.

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