[CYOA] Choose Your Own Unholy Adventure! [Collaborative] (11) (88)

66 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

You feel relaxed.

Every sound you hear relaxes you further. Just you and the sound.
Your arms and legs feel heavy.
Very very heavy, like lead.
Every sound takes you deeper and deeper.
Nothing can disturb you.
Every muscle, every part of your body is relaxing further and further, as you drift down deeper and deeper.
You are riding down an escalator, slowly going down farther and farther, into

>It feels so good.
>Way, way down.
>You are floating high above the Earth, in deep space, looking out on the universe. Floating free in space

silently watching the movement of the stars.

Truth, beauty, longevity, and prosperity. >>73
Ain't nobody got time for that! Live fast, die young! >>74

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