[CYOA] Choose Your Own Unholy Adventure! [Collaborative] (11) (88)

67 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

A person is only as great as the smallest thing that disturbs it.
Therefore, mosquitoes are pretty great.
If you had a piece of soap, maybe you could catch one and draw it into your sketchbook, but you don't.
Mosquitoes are not apex predators - they get eaten by birds and spiders, and for good reason (not necessity).
They do, however, suck the blood of humans. Not for sustenance even, but merely for procreation.
They sit high above you on the food chain, mockingly.
Some say they were created to keep humans humble, but frankly they don't care what you think.
They also don't care that they give you malaria.
Maybe you find solace that despite this purposeless pest, the Earth is yours,
minus the parts deep underwater, which is the absolute majority of the planet,
and the highest faults, majestically rising above the breathable air with less height difference from sea level than the orb's eccentricity.
Yea verily, almost none of the planet is yours. And that you have to share with mosquitoes and bees.
If all the bees die, all humans will follow.
If all the mosquitoes die, everyone else will breath a sigh of relief (especially the horses).
It's a good thing you are dead already.

Where to now, oh mighty one?
>>75 The World's End
>>74 The Golden Mile

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