[CYOA] Choose Your Own Unholy Adventure! [Collaborative] (11) (88)

7 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

    / ^ ω^j、< いただきます
 _, ‐'´  \  / `ー、_
/ ' ̄`Y´ ̄`Y´ ̄`レ⌒ヽ
{ 、  ノ、    |  _,,ム,_ ノl
'い ヾ`ー~'´ ̄__っ八 ノ
 ヽ、   ー / ー  〉
二二`ヽ-‐'´ ̄`冖ー-く二二二
|                 |
|  please find me    .|
|     a home      .|
|                 |

Rising from his altar the Great Beast chews off your arm. To your surprise he only consumes one arm and then sits, staring longingly at you as if it's been eons since his last hot bath.

To put the Great Beast back into the altar and pray that someone else comes along to rescue him go to >>11
If you are not allowed to have Great Beasts in your apartment go to >>10
To take the great beast back to your apartment and give him a hot bath and some earl grey tea go to >>23

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