Have you ever told a lie?
Whatever happend to Saturday night, when you dressed up sharp, and you felt alright?
∧M∧ ┌─────────
( ´ー`) < They made crossdressing illegal in afghanistan. NEXT!
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Bullshit! Crossdressing has long been socially acceptable in Afghanistan.
Why would you lie to me like that?
Is the VIPsaurus of SAoVQ an impostor?
Who are you imposing?
How can I raise my self-esteem?
I have an interest in many things, can't I do them all well?
When you bend down to pick something up don't you like the feeling of your ass cheeks slightly spreading?
Would you like to get familiar with this feeling?
Do you consider yourself a feminist, a cultural Marxist, or a social justice warrior? Also, what is your opinion on people and dinosaurs who do?
Do you often use the buzz words "buzz words" and "empty insults" to deflect questions which make you uncomfortable?
what are you doing for VIPmas, VIPsaurus?
What is the thing that you do every night?
∧M∧ ┌─────────
( ´ー`) < What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?
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I didn't say anyting! What do you want from me?
No rice, no life?
Check 'em.
What do you get when you mix blue and orange?
∧M∧ ┌─────────
( ´ー`) < Nice trips >>333 they're le epic reddit GET
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How many tennis balls can fit in my mouth?
How do I apolojuice?
∧M∧ ┌─────────
( ´ー`) < None. Your mouth is more suited for bananas. NEXT!
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Flag on the moon... How did it get there?
∧M∧ ┌─────────
( ´ー`) < None. Your mouth is more suited for bananas. NEXT!
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Are you a recording?
Am I gay?
You bet your ass (that I will soon be pounding) you are.
How does one resist the ravages?
Why must order exist?
Order doesn't exist. It is an illusion.
>>350 I disagree. Order does exist, by pure chance.
It is quite fascinating. Consider Langdon's Ant: From very simple strict rules, chaos and unpredictability emerges. There are other examples as well, such as Go, or computers.
And from pure chaos, order emerges. After thousands of steps, the ant will cut orderly diagonal paths through the chaos. There are other examples as well, such as with any randomly shuffled deck of cards, there will inevitably be a surprising number of cards in ascending and descending order.
The question what was first doesn't even matter: Chaos and order beget each other, and each exists only within the other.
That said: You should clean up your room.
The distinction between chaos and order is all in your head. You see chaos arising from order and order arising from chaos because they're the same fucking thing, and your brain just switches back and forth in trying to interpret it.
In which direction is the dancer spinning, clockwise or anticlockwise?
As it happens I actually study chaos theory (amongst other things) in meatspace, and I can confirm that, as the words are used colloquially, the distinction between order and chaos is pretty meaningless. If you mean chaos as in systems that are chaotic in the mathematical sense, and order as in any other system, then I suppose it's a valid distinction, but even then there's weird borderline cases like transient chaos - not to mention all the wacky shenanigans that happen on the boundary between laminar and turbulent flow. Chaos is great fun though; it's nothing to be scared of. Well, actually, maybe you should be a little bit scared. But only a little bit.
>chaotic in the mathematical sense
Could you expand on that some more?
Thanks for the intro, Chaos-explaining-senpai. Very interesting stuff - I think I'll check out those references.
How do you feel about chaos taking over your thread?
Do you have despair in your heart?
Song who?
Where are the Snowdens of yesteryear?
∧M∧ ┌─────────
( ´ー`) < They melted. That's what snow does in spring and summer. NEXT!
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Are you daft?
∧M∧ ┌─────────
( ´ー`) < No, Punk. NEXT!
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Where did you go?
Why does my penis hurt when I pee
VIPsaurus, have you been using the preview function as you were told?