Have you guys heard about Sageru's 777 sacred dogmas?
Ehhhh!!!!!! Sounds scary. Can you tell me what they are? Knowledge may create more uncertainty, but i already know how ill die so i dont care :)
No one knows how they will die. That is why they call it "die".
34. No lewds allowed
2. Fun things are indeed fun
3. Always browse with a gun in hand
4. Bunnygirls are always relevant. Catgirls, however, are not.
5. Beelieve in yourself.
6. sageru exists as the universe pre big-bang
7. Every post here is fact, and should be treated as such
9. If the bees will it, it must bee done
10. Never beelittle people
11. All of the above
12. See #53
14: 13 is not a real number
13. As punishment for 14s slander, all of his descendants - that is dogmas that are multiples of 14 - will be cursed with a non-zero i coefficient.
53. See #12
15. 13 is a number that follows 14 and precedes 15, in case it wasn't clear
16. Love loli
17. love traps
18. traps are gay
19. And so are you
20. And especially OP
21. And that is OKAY.
23. Using any style other than MWN is treason.
24. Remember to sage every once in a while
25. 25 Get!
what's going on in this thread
27. Always remember to never lewd loli.
I forget where the ducks went. Do you remember how we used to feed them? Stale bread, corn, and we were siting in the rain soaking with self-pity and whiskey and some fake sense that all of this was somehow a romantic sadness, until the chips fell into place. I guess what I'm trying to say is, one day the ducks left and I never saw them again. I packed my bags, stopped being lewd, saged every thread and lit a cigarette in the doorway. I think I'm ready for the bees now.
29. Always expand your vocabulary.
30. Do not explain your vocabulary
31. Do not explain.
32. Do not.
33. Don't think, feel
34. Time is not real.
35. Always ignore the outsiders.
36. Never miss on your beauty sleep.
37. Twelve is two times six.
38. Twelve is six times 2.0000000000000000001
39. MWN über alles
40: Always look down on rodents trying to take over the unholy citadel.
41. No dates. Not ever.
42. Always clean up after yourself.
43. Remember to loli
44. please die
45. Embrace the urge to jam your fingers in crevices.
46. Eat jam from the pot with yur fingers, that's how the rock stars do it.
47. Come on and slam, and welcome to the jam
48. Work your body, work your body, make sure you don't hurt nobody
49. Use your outbox for incoming mails at your peril!
50. Use your inbox for outgoing mails at your leisure.
53. Order is for the weak
work! work! work!
Is it like the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition?
55. eat your OWN ass
56. Sageru is a rip off of 4chan
4chan is a ripoff of 2chan, which was like 2channel but with images
2channel, a text BBS, was more or less the original of these kinds of sites
sageru is more like 2channel and has very little to do with 4chan
also, 4chan was made by someone who used SomethingAwful, and the board culture there was very different
How is it like 4chan? It's a text board.
If anything, it's probably closest to world4ch.
57. This is not a topic worth discussing
Don't worry, I'm just retarded and don't pick up in things