Hi, it's me: Adva Pazy, also known as Bob, sibimet, and 4x13. I'm the Underboss of Sageru and the cousin of Meltingwax in real life. Ask me anything! (as long as it's not about what happened at bible camp in 2005)
Are you Adva Pazy, also known as Bob, sibimet, and 4x13; the Underboss of Sageru and the cousin of Meltingwax in real life?
are you related to Meltingwax?
what happened at bible camp 2005
How much would I have to pay you for you to shit on my naked chest? Not in a gay way though.
More about me: i write code, i Smoke Weed Every Day, and yes, i'm a gamer. if any ladyfriends are reading this, i am also single...
You know i will not answer that, >>6-kun!
if it was gay, i would do it for 5 games on steam. if it's not gay: gratis, but you would have to make my post in the poop thread.
based. i heard you studied the philosophy of sex and love. i'm a gamer too and i was wondering if you have experience with the friendzone?
It's not as pleasant as you would think. They don't treat you like a friend, they treat you like an item. Sometimes I wish I could be more than just an accessory to these women, but unfortunately, as a gamer I don't get respect.
is there a better feeling in the world than smoking a phat blunt and feeling the sweat of your cold brewski on your hand after working all day on forum software?
Have you ever committed arson? If you haven't, I highly recommend you try it, it's great!
When’s your little website coming back you big fuck, I had fun poking through the different site links you’d collected
hey Adva Pazy!
shut the fuck up
Please do not bully my one true love.
What do you do for fun Bob?
What is this mysterious site everybody is talking about?
Sorry for the delay, Poopers. I was in the hospital on account of a botched weed enema, but I'm back now and ready to answer your questions.
I don't know about "arson", but "our son", the male offspring between me, Adva Pazy, and you, >>13-san, is a recommendation I wouldn't say no to. You are a lady, yes?
This is not a question, so I won't answer this post.
I spend most of my days smoking weed, writing board software, tweeting, and learning languages. At the momment Im trying to master the the english langauge. I'm also in a Heelys gang. We patrol the streets of Portland in our Heelys looking for nazis to punch. When we aren't doing that, we have baseball games against other Heelys gangs, in which the winner gets to expand their gang territory. The gang I'm in, the Stormy Daniels, has the most territory, second only to our rival gang, the 3rd Street Asseaters.
are you alright? my uncle was comatose for 4 years after one of those. after he got discharged, he immediately got in a car crash and burned to death. so i guess he was comatoast. you're lucky you're unscathed.
Adva Pazy, 9/11 isn't something to make light of. It was a national tragedy that had millions of people killed. This thread has been enjoyable thus far, but this is just distasteful.
Thank you for your concern >>23-dono. I am buji de, as they say in Japanese, which is to say I'm safe and sound. I have no ill effects other than my THC levels being dangerously low, so my doctor suggested that I Smoke Weed Every Day to get my THC back up to a healthy standard.
I would never make light of 9/11, or the Holocaust for that matter. I was there when the towers fell, searching for my brother. I had to wade through the blood, the ash and the bones while avoiding debris falling from the sky. When I found him inside, the tower started to collapse. I extended my hand up to the ceiling and held up the entire tower, stalling its downfall to give my brother enough time to escape. Later I found out the man I saved was the notorious gay rapist Kevin Spacey, and my brother was safe at his home in Sacramento the whole time.
My website is down because I had to spend the money allocated for the server on my surgery. According to my accountant I will have enough to pay for the server again on the 11th of September. The overlap between the day my website will be up and 9/11 is pure coincidence and wasn't an attempt at crude humor. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Jesus christ. I had now idea. That must have been so hard on you. Don't apologize; I should apologize for throwing those baseless accusations at you. I just hope you can forgive me ;_;
It was a double surgery, which is why it was so expensive. The first surgery was a lung expansion surgery, so I could take bigger bong hits. The second surgery was a penis ensmallening surgery, because I was insecure about having a large penis and afraid of being bullied for it. Now I have a strong 5.47 incher. If any girls are reading this, you can hit me up at my new email address, 547@4x13.net
It's okay, it was a simple mistake. Mistakes are what makes us human, which is why discarded unborn fetuses are the most human out of us all. I forgive you ^____^
>discarded unborn
Somehow I forgot the word "aborted" existed. brainshit
I'm not sure I like that analogy. Don't get me wrong, I support the troops, but abortion is a touchy subject that can be hard to navigate. Although, if the shoe fits, wear it.
Adva Pazy, how are doing?
Something tells me this isn't the real Adva Pazy. this is an impostor trying to sully his good name.
how could you think something like that? i have known Adva Pazy for like 6 years and everything he said in this thread holds up. i have no reason to believe he is pretending. he has poured his heart out for all of us and taken care to answer evry question. keep your seeds of discord to yourself. KIKE!