I'll start
the hell.
the hell.
The hell?
" said what,
what, " said
Albert Einstein.
Troll Lord
is synonymous
. We are
unable to
locate the
location of
the locator.
Ripen lager
is gay.
When you
are. I
see the
starry sky
starry sky
nigger guy
stole my
new bike.
. .
_____ police help!
Usually when
the niggers
commit a
parking violation,
they are
beaten by
de racis
white oppressor
of Gensokyo.
In other
news, a
rabid squirrel
and PS2
(water-plastoquinone oxidoreductase)
were in
a cave.
They found
Mr. Shekelberg's
worn-out T-shirt
. Mr. Shekelberg said
"that's three
words you
stupid goy".
The squirrel
was wandering
while drinking
L.A.U.G.H stands
for Large
Atomic Unordinance
Giant Huge
(nigger dicks).
This shows
the immaturitiy
of the
black people.
Killing zombies
キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!!
is a
bad thing.
of consent
causing the
end of
the age
No longer
shall we
get the
point of
no return
to the
savage ways
of our
ancestors, who
didn't even
like me
so I
took my
leave and
said `Adieu'.
And then
they died.
Good riddance.
The next
time you
fuck up
that you
stole all
the prenomials