[CYOA] Choose Your Own Unholy Adventure! [Collaborative] (11) (88)

70 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

Only by my will is my mind set in motion. Sappho's juice gives you wings. Reality is subjective, created by perception. If you ignore it hard enough, it will wear off, and you will be all there is. And if you believe in fairies hard enough, they will come back fairly odd.

Despite evidence to the contrary, the universe is composed of only two fundamental substances: Magic and bullshit.
But what is magic? Some say friendship is magic, but friendship is a tremendous pile of horse shit.
Magic really is the attempt to cause real change by symbolic acts.
In other words: Bullshit.
The fact that we now have machines that do exactly that, and with measurable success, doesn't change the fact that all the universe is bullshit.

Roll all that bullshit up into a giant ball, and start again from scratch. >>78 The Lord of All Cosmos demands it.
I can't tell what's real anymore. But guess what? I know magic: I can make your pulse disappear and no hat trick. I don't need a reason. I just need a second opinion, so come and walk with me. >>42
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