Declaration of the Founding of the New #jpsie Brotherhood of Poop (94)

11 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

Daily Poop Journal: Day #3
Looking for something to eat, I chose the simple option - snacks. First it started with a bag of potato chips. Shortly after, some pretzels. Like a raccoon digging through trash, I continued to open the bags in an attempt to satisfy my hunger. My lack of regard for the size of the bags I was opening was disgisting in retrospect. Had I not been so lazy, I would have made myself a proper meal, but it was too late. Only a few hours later, I felt the poop pressing it's way out, but it just wouldn't come out when I sat down on the toilet. In and out it went, like playing tug-of-war with a dwarf who was stuck inside of my colon. My only option was to wait. An hour and a half later, while playing The Idolmaster Cinderella Girls: Starlight Stage, I finally felt the poop begin to sink towards the ocean. Trying my best not to cut this stone in half, I focused on the game. It fell perfectly, making a small noise upon hitting the water.

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