Declaration of the Founding of the New #jpsie Brotherhood of Poop (94)

24 Name: キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!! [Del]

Daily Poop Journal: Day #6
I woke up today with the feeling that I need to shit. The sort of built up pressure that lets you know that it's gonna be a BIG one. I sat on the shitter for a while, but while my insides knew the shit was wet, my anus was dry and refused to let pass anything more than a few pebbles. I was running out of time, I had a train to catch! I got to the train station as quickly as possible, thinking that I was about to miss my train, but then it turned out that the train schedule had changed and the next train was a half hour away. I sat down at the station, my insides having calmed down slightly, and began contemplating if I should shit in the train station washroom, or if I didn't have time. While at the train station, I saw some weird cosplayers, one of them being a man with a pink wig and stubble. Fan expo was occurring in Toronto at the time, and they were heading there. I was about to head to the shitter when I realized the train had arrived, too late for that. I contemplated waiting until I arrive at my destination to shit, but it was getting critical. I instead went to shit in the train washroom. At first, the poop was normal and solid, but very, very long. Then, the flood gates opened. A torrent of liquid shit exploded out my ass. The entirety of the train toilet had been filled with shit. It was like something out of a fluffy pony comic. Anyways, I couldn't wash my hands since the sink didn't work well, so I just walked away, hands unwashed, leaving the cosplayers filling the train to smell my glorious fragrance. When I got to Toronto, I went to shit out the last little bit and wash my hands at the train station washroom. Later that day, having finished my Toronto business, I went to the Royal Ontario Museum. There was some event happening, and people were dressed nicely for it, which was nice. Though they will never know it, they are truly blessed to have been graced by my post-poop self that day. Good to know that even the unknowing are wise enough to dress well in the presence of a professional pooper.

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