I'll start
would like
to come
out and
admit you're
fucking dumb
, do so.
I remember
a time
when homosexuals
were floccinaucinihilipilificated.
So the
only way
to find
where you
were when
the Lopadotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrimhypotrimmatosilphioparaomelitokatakechymenokichlepikossyphophattoperisteralektryonoptekephalliokigklopeleiolagoiosiraiobaphetraganopterygon
teleported teh
lepidopterists is
to ask
a butterfly.
They would
always flutter
serendipitously around
lepidoperists, they
got excomunicated
and they
commited sudoku
in protest.
When VIPsaurus
the deformed
foetuses, I
was there;
it was
beyond all
reason or
comprehension. Truly,
a disgruntled
gay trap
was trapped
inside traps
of Deccan
swallowed by
a huge
eldritch horror
torturing you
by pulling
ch34p V1@gr1
from your
bank account
painfully slow
anal sex.
The village
people sang
to alleviate
the pain
of having
to exist.
is not
two words
, you fustilarian.
Back when
the Elitist
Super Structure
was founded,
were emergency
kopipes for
that really
cared about
tonal counterpoint
my penis
in your
bick blag
butt hole
hole hole
Then suddenly
, without warning,
deleted post
user by
memes. Memes
suck. In
is not
guilty of
I am.
He is.
Bill Stickers
is innocent.
I want
a dig