It was a dark and stormy night,
I tote guns, I make number runs
And I have Autism like my dad
, gaw gaw gaw gaw gaw noot gaw
, if you know what I mean. But
you wouldn't understand, and you know why?
Потому что мне нравится вкус заплесневелого хлеба
Then Goku took a HUGE bong rip
he got so high it was further
down south by the pond, five men
started to charge up their anime attacks
and the attacks came from their penises
that shot out of their uncut penises
when they ran out of penises, they
said "blow it out your ass!" and
many asses were blown that day indeed.
But who were they shooting at, huh?
They were shooting at Snake? Snake! SNAAAAAAAKE!!
This caused a time paradox, and now
you must let the legend come back
That was not even seven words, man!
complains the gay, but worry not, for
his dick is shorter than an ant
and must now give us six extra
anal poundings. (For we, too, are gay.)
The post was destroyed by the magic
of our friendship. No one will stop
Mr. Domino. Even Goku can't. Spoilers!
the police comin straight from the underground,"
became the battle cry of the emerging
urban middle class in post war Asia.
And then I took a huge shit.
Soon, I was arrested for shitting on
the local bronze statue of Donald Trump,
, bless the king of gets for he
say to us "yukkuri SHITeitte ne" child
of creation, blessings be to your magnanimous
said jevin. He was new to the
whole counting thing, thus his words never
I fucked your mother.
Jevin was shaken. "My mother is dead"
"How do you think she died?" I
grabbed a gallon of bleach and drank
, it was alright, I guess. Then a
delightful fruity aftertaste filled my mouth. I
realized I hadn't drank bleach, but two
redbulls. I was now able to fly
over the great wall of spam that
was, on reflection, actually not that great.
What is truly great is the delicious
Soon, on the other side, I saw
the thing that's truly great and delicious:
A strawberry shortcake, glistening with straws and
small pieces of plastic, which on hindsight
were probably the best part of it
I ate it up and became a
transcendental vision living in the mind of
a cute loli. But the loli was
actually a fat anonymous on a textboard
who was nonetheless a loli at heart.
stop saying that creepy shit you neckbeards
" complained a bitch, but was soon silenced
by the sound of the impending apocalypse.
but seriously, stop saying creepy shit, dudes
and embrace the loli with a hug.
loli loli loli loli loli loli loli
, said the loli, which roughly translates to
“Holy shit, stop being a faggot, oniichan
, and come and cuddle me already!"
then Ted Kaczynski came out of nowhere
and everyone groaned and rolled their eyes.
After all, no one opens letters anymore
, so Ted Kaczynski sadly returned to his
cozy shack and wrote another anprim manifesto
which read a little like this “Fuck
the police comin straight from the underground,"
The underground referring to subterranean fungal filaments.
and the police referring to the police.
After having the mood ruined by Ted,
the fat anon... I mean, the loli
then the creeps were reported and banned
from the country of Italy where they
were turned into lamp shades and soap
in a bloody, messy transmogrification scene. The
missile knows where it is at all
loli loli loli loli loli loli loli
"Oniichan! Quit messing around and go do
some chocolate pudding, we are starving here!"
So I hopped to the kitchen, but
time was running out, as the Latvian
pudding sniffer was caught red handed in
the action of sniffing the pudding, so